Of critical importance to any IAC is that each resident has their own front door keys and independent choice with things like running their heating/AC, installing cable TV, internet, phone and any other utilities they desire to use. Ideally there is the option for no shared bedrooms or bathrooms, something that is critical to offering privacy, dignity and a sense of independence.

These living options are unfortunately very rare for most adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Most often in an IAC the apartments are not owned, but each resident can make it their own by painting or furnishing it as they see best.

Residents of an IAC have their own lease agreement with all the rights afforded in any tenant/landlord relationship. All residents have their own key to the buildings common front doors, which are locked after hours to help ensure safety and privacy for all the residents.

Unlike your typical apartment complex, each neighbor in an IAC has chosen to live in a community where they can get support as needed from the on-site staff 24 hours a day.